Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Idiots that irritate me...

 Some things Highly irritate me, I have a short temper I'll be the first to admit that tiny things can send me over the edge, past the point of no return and blazing through the black hole of insane in a matter of minutes. Regardless of how hard I try some times I just can't fight the sheer stupidity of others, it's infuriating to me.

  We all know of my hatred for shuffling, mouth breathers, lazy rude assholes this isn't quite the same as that.
 I absolutely loathe Fake people. Say what you mean and act the way you feel. This is a huge pet peeve of mine, it seriously makes me a psycho. 

  I can't stand anything less then when someone says and acts one way in private, then acts a complete bi-polar opposite in public. Well, just cause you put on an act that you're a good human being in places where people will see you doesn't actually create the illusion you're a good person in the eyes of people who really see you.

  I'm a firm believer in when you make mistakes you apologize for them, if you choose not to apologize it means you aren't sorry, and you think you said the correct thing, behaved properly, or honestly meant what you said.  Ignoring the issue and moving on like nothing ever happened and then attempting to go on behaving as if nothing happened makes you look like a fake, condescending hypocrite. And that's not a good look for anyone.... And for the record you can trust that I have never once apologized for something that I believed was right (and attempting to get me to is a futile experience because If I think I might even be 1/2 right-it wont happen), However I have put on my big girl panties and said I'm sorry even when I was completely humiliated by my own behavior and wanted nothing more then to hide my own shame...But I did it cause that's the right thing to do

 Also don't be a complete asshole to the person who is trying to fix a problem someone else created, its irritating to that person they have to fix someone elses mess just like it is that you have to wait for someone else to fix it. Calling them names, cussing, and yelling at them really isn't going to make their desire to correct your problem any stronger it's very counter productive, trust me!

 Also when you have a job for the love of Gawd do it, there is nothing more infuriating then a lazy ass who does nothing all day. spends their time wondering around and leaving extra work for others. Also if you have a job that is way to advanced for your mental capacity QUIT, If you need to carry a drool cup, or wear a helmet at all times, you may want to see employment building bird houses. Other people do not want to do your work for you, they want to do theirs and go the hell home.There's no need to have an idiot on both ends of the phone.

  I think that should just about sum up my rant...for now!