Sunday, February 12, 2012

The truth will set you free!

 As we all well know I'm not really a "blogger" as much as I am a I post shit on my blog when I need to vent about something thats pissed me off or upset me or what have you so here is the moment when i clear my mind of the thoughts trapped deep inside there and get out what I think needs to be said, and you can feel free to read it or move on either way its OUT!

  The last few weeks things have been brought to my attention, not just things that directly affect me but some others I care about and friends, I'm gathering that there seems to be an epidemic of moronic and stupid reckless behavior going on around the country, and it happens to be affecting me and others as well so let me just clear the air.

  There is absolutely nothing in the entire universe I hate more then a liar, its bad for both parties involved, so dont do it. Let me give you some sound advice on friendship, people who love, and respect you wont lie to you, and you as their friend deserve better.

  I have recently been lied to by someone close to me, and at first I was pissed, I tried every imaginable scenario I could possibly muster in my over-imaginative brain to find a place where this was a reasonable, realistic, or even optional choice. (I found nothing) For those of you that really know me who really understand who I am, I love my friends and family unconditionally, If I have come to a place where I believe life without you is unbearable, you can tell me anything without fear of judgement or  ridicule. I dont promise to agree with your choices I dont have to believe your actions were sound but I wont think less of you as a person for them, I understand shit happens and it isnt always they way we'd like it to be. This being said someone still felt the need to lie about meaningless bull shit for no reason other then they just like to lie apparently as I'm learning! So at first I was pissed, sad for about an hour then I realized I wasnt really as hurt as I thought I should be, maybe I knew things werent really how they appeared I'm not sure but what I discovered was my disappointment. Disappointment to me is worse then being pissed, I felt betrayed because not only did I get lied to but someone who knew me really knew me thought so little of me to think that I deserved that treatment.

 I will tell you this as a friend NO ONE deserves to be lied to, if someone feels that you are such a horrible UN-trustworthy person, they need to lie to you, they aren't your friend. I've been in situations when i've had to tell people close to me really difficult things, things I know will hurt them or piss them off and I by no means will lessen that and say it was easy, but I had enough love and respect to tell them because I knew they deserved the truth.

 If you can't let someone into your life to offer them the honest opportunity to know you, you're only hurting yourself. Your depriving yourself the opportunity to be loved for who you truly are, and thats something everyone deserves, and by lying to them about who you are changing yourself to fit what you think people will like your depriving them of the chance to know you and really love you and you're selling them short, and its a slap in the face when they find out you didnt think they were good enough a person to let them in.

  If someone in your life is treating you with such little curtosey you're the only person who can stand up for you, you have to demand being treated the way you should be treated, and I know I'm a better person then that, and I deserve honesty and trust. 

  Who knows maybe my standards are too high, maybe people arent as caring as they once were, but this I can tell you , I have people in my life that have reached the bar I have set, and I know its a possible goal to reach, and I would rather have 2-3 Really exceptional friends, then to have 1500 fake friends, who follow me on twitter and facebook, who have no clue who I really am and wont be there when I really need someone I can depend on. I'd rather drive 2 hours to hug someone who I really care about then to wake up to a couple of likes on facebook,

 You cant replace true friendship, and once you find it you should never take it for granted because once the trust is gone, you have nothing left. We teach people how to treat us and its time we start requiring the people in our lives to meet our standards.