Monday, October 31, 2011


 Its Halloween, one of the top favorite days a kid has each year, along with the birthday, Christmas, and snow days off from school. So Luigi and Hello Kitty are up at the crack of dawn on a roll this am, and I'm not feeling well AT ALL!  They got on the bus for school and off the went and I'd never been so happy to have a day off and go back to sleep in all my life--it never happens.

 So i wake up and I still don't feel all so hot, when I remember I have to get some stuff done because the bus comes close to 4pm and the trick or treating nonsense starts at 5pm WOO HOO! They'll have homework and need fed before the festivities start. (whom ever decided to set trick or treat hours on a school night is a moron)

  I've never been a real fan of halloween even as a kid, Don't get me wrong I LOVE CANDY! Love it could eat it all day everyday and be perfectly content 24/7 HOWEVER,  I am not nor have I ever been a fan of trick or treating, I stopped around the age of 7 or 8. Its not my thing, it is less then cute shoe appropriate, and I HATE, Despise, Loathe being cold. So you can see why I rule this out as my top favorite pass times.

 But what I dislike most about this trick or treating exercise, is hard to say, I'm less then a fan of the random large group of unattended to children that run through flower beds and over small kids screaming at the top of their lungs out of pure joy, seriously kid its a sucker take a valium.  The Weather in IN is less then perfect for this outdoor activity, its generally less then 50 degrees and raining (so far there is no rain this year we'll see if we make it) and most of the kids are bundled up and you can't even tell what they are. Also isn't stupid to tell kids don't take candy from strangers EXCEPT on Halloween when you run door to door begging for treats--the whole idea is dumb to me.

  Now I'm not opposed to the entire holiday, I don't mind costumes, and I like parties any day of the week. I'm just more inclined to stay indoors when its butt ass cold and you want me to wear something resembling a nighty in public call me crazy but I like to be warm and comfortable and prefer to have some sort of sugary or alcoholic treat in my hand while I do so!

  So the kids get home in T-minus 10 minutes and counting, and I have exactly 1 hour to get them Feed, Dressed, Make up, hair, and mustached Upped and off to their Fun Filled Evening of Candy and Sugar, and some how manage to get their homework done, get them home in time to shower and get settled for bed. What a wonderful time! Good thing I know where we keep the liquor I have a feeling I'm going to be needing it come bed time

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