Monday, October 31, 2011

The Aftermath

 Trick or Treating went well on my end the kids remembered their manners, they didn't cut through peoples grass, they said Thank you, and were for the most part well behaved, minus the occasional indiscretion cause from the complete lack of insanity a search for candy can cause a young child. 

   They made it home got their showers and off to bed with very little fight, I have to say it went much better then I imagined it ever could have. That being said, I was ever so kindly reminded of how selfish, and childish adults can be, You just want to crack some skulls and say listen you are NOT the center of the universe, it doesn't revolve around you, and while you may very well posses you're very own source of gravity, I am unaffected by this strange force.

  The level of selfishness shown, the lack of understanding, and inconsiderate behavior baffles me. I am completely shocked by the level of stupidity, and am further more convinced that distancing myself from such people can only be in the best interest of myself, and my family, cause my mouth sensor isn't what one would call functioning on all cylinders most of the time.

   So I leave you with this, I'm very proud that my children who are children and somehow entitled to this brief period of time in their lives where they are allowed to act immaturely and maybe even a tab bit selfish, on most occasions don't.   In fact my beautiful little 8 year old has already discovered that sometimes we do things for others we don't necessarily want to do but we need to be considerate.   Today while trick or treating as the kids were all rushing towards the house with a street light on, a little girl about 4-5 fell in front of her the little girls mom rushed to pick her up and Aly stops to ask if she's ok and helps her pick up her spilled candy while all the other kids are ringing the doorbell, I welled up with tears, I was so proud of her. And I realized that we must be doing something right, because my kids are pretty spectacular. I just hope we can instill enough kindness and manners into them now, that the world wont be able to tarnish the kind little creatures they are now.