Friday, November 4, 2011

A Day in the Life...

  Today started out all right, they told Mike he'll be running a different route next week one that gets him home more frequently still aren't sure if its temporary or permanent guess we'll find that out as we go, Got up and got myself together, and got the house straightened up a little, and had lunch with my friend Amber.

   Then I went to the grocery UGH I hate the grocery store, I had time to wonder around aimlessly but I just wanted OUT. There something about the grocery that gives me angina. Its full of rude people and idiots. I kid you not a lady stood directly in front of the selection of tortilla shells for a good 5 minutes there were two people waiting not so patiently behind her I was one of them, I thought briefly that she had gone catatonic, She had not and I thought seriously lady is a gawd damn Taco shell pick a fucking pack and MOVE! After I stood their getting the other random things I needed off the shelf and shooing the old man away from the spaghetti sauce I needed from across the aisle, I decided I had waited far more then I should have cause I knew what I wanted, and inspite of the fact she was still standing 6 inches from the shelf I reached in front of her don't get me wrong I said excuse me and she smiled Normally I would have waited but if you cant select taco shells from a selection of less then 10 options in under 5 minutes when standing 6 inches from the shelf and haven't the gumption to actually pick up a pack to compare them then "Move Bitch Get out the way" I haven't time for your dilly dallying.

  So I encounter the same random blank starring in the meat department, FML, I don't think I'm going to make it out without a violent outburst, fortunately Frozen goods, and dairy were smooth sailing, and my sanity was slowly starting to creep back in, UNTIL I come upon the gaggle of women who have deiced to block the entire main aisle to awwwwe over a baby, I love a cute kid as much as the next estrogen induced being HOWEVER, I wont stand in the middle of a busy aisle which happens to be right next to where they are assembling the Christmas display and have other random carts EVERYWHERE! Oh holy hell save me for I leave this child an orphan, So I make the detour to avoid a scene, cause my hair isn't in a state in which I would like to have it as my mug shot for the rest of eternity, I need to be immortalized when I look fabulous.

 I made it to a register, and they are all full, except the self checkouts YEAH I don't like people and I like my groceries bagged in order of where things go in the kitchen yeah yeah I know its OCD, but that's how i roll, and yes I do even scan things out that way, Now don't get me wrong I don't expect the self check out lady to come bag my groceries, I have zero problems doing so myself in fact I prefer it, the less people that handle my food the better , it is after all called self check out, this being said I have never once went into a place where if you are the only human being in that area the person wont come bag while you scan 1. because its nice, 2, because you can get out faster, and 3, they are probably bored to tears. this being said today I encountered the LAZIEST self check out cashier ever she literally stood there staring at me, well either help or find something to do because while I am extremely fabulous I don't need an audience to how I bag my poultry its CREEPY! So I manage to scan and bag all of my groceries, by temperature, and package in less then 10 minutes, and I'm hitting the parking lot food in tow, and with no criminal record, which my friends is a weekly struggle for me.

 I get home get my stuff put away, and bam kids are home. Yesterday I asked if they wanted to go to the fall festival at school, BOTH kids said no they just wanted book fair money-DONE! So today Aly is all I want to go to the fall festival, and Jayden wants to discover if the kid who was carrying the last copy of the cheat code book decided not to buy it cause he wanted it (KILL ME NOW) I remind them of how they said they in fact did NOT want to go, and they say well uhm I changed my mind. I'm still unconvinced I'm in the mood for this and Aly goes to play with the neighbor she comes back and wants to go with her to the festival, and her mom said it was ok-ugh!  So Jayden makes her promise to check for the last copy of cheat codes and off she goes, Jayden and I had dinner, and Aly gets back...

   Insert mass chaos, they didn't have cheat codes book, the world has now crumbled at the feet of my 10 year old who is now on the brink of a massive life crisis rivaling that of a holocaust or so his random whining and pouting and attitude is leading me to believe, and the tiny princess is unpacking her random won trinkets from the festival, Like i didn't just clean this place up this morning, Not that you could ever tell at this point with random jackets, book bags, shoes, papers, and who knows what else strewn about the house, I holler at them to put up their laundry and motivate to their rooms cause Its approaching their bed time at warp speed, aka mom's going to go ape shit in 5, 4, 3, 2, ahhhh silence!  Now I'm looking around going what the hell went on in here its like the men in black worms, were throwing a kegger Oh well tomorrow is a new day to get up and do it all over again (minus the grocery store YES)

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