Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In case you were wondering I love you!

  Sooo there is this guy who pretty much stole my heart. We may not always agree on things, like what to eat for dinner, or that the bath room would look fabulous if it were a beautiful shade of grass green, or that 77 is the perfect temperature (and it is), or that socks and sandals are not ok even to just check the mail in. But I love him, and he loves me. 

  I'm willing to except that I have some pretty stupid ideas of how things should work and trust me I have ideas about EVERYTHING! and even when he thinks they are stupid (which I'm sure is about 95% of the time) he never says "hey thats a dumb idea" unless I'm about to obliterate half of the neighbor hood. 

  He accepts that I'm a insecure, anxiety ridden, neurotic mess at the most idiotic times, and he always reassures me that I don't need to worry, but I do it anyways, and he knew I was going to even before it happened.

  He hates my love of insanely expensive, and highly impractical shoes, but he buys them for me anyways, and makes sure I don't bust my ass when I insist on wearing them to the most unconventional places like the grocery store, or on cobble stone sidewalks.

  He tells me I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, when I look like I just awoke from a night of sleep in the county morgue, in sweat pants, with flock of seagull hair, and raccoon eyes. And while I'm pretty convinced he might be hallucinating, I'm honestly starting to believe he thinks its the truth (I might need to get him a psych evaluation) but its nice to hear.

  I've never been able to pin point the exact moment when I realized my life wouldn't be complete without him, or, when I discovered he is my complete opposite but it works, maybe it was so natural it just seemed normal from the beginning, I don't know that I'll ever really be sure.

   What I do know is that he'll always be there for me, he'd move heaven and earth to be with me and the kids, he's a wonderful father, he's a much better person then he gets credit for being, I'm positive I'm guilty of not telling him enough. 

  So for the Record, in case I forget to tell you as often as I should its here in text, for you when you need it.

  I love you, I think you are easily the most spectacular man I have ever know, you are easily the most unlikely match for me but the perfect match for me, I could never say thank you enough for all the positive things I have in my life because of you, you will never fully get the recognition you deserve because I don't know enough words to express the way I feel for you and the thesaurus didn't have enough words either.

  You are an exceptional Father, the kids will be better people for having experienced your love, wisdom, and smart ass sense of humor. They will one day understand the effort we have put forth to make their lives better, and the sacrifices that have been made for them. And when they do they'll love you even more if thats possible.

 You're tireless efforts to make our lives better, filled with happy memories and wonderful moments, don't go unnoticed, or unappreciated.

  I know I'm kind of a pain in the ass, ok ok a huge pain in the ass the majority of the time, but you love me in spite of it all, and I can never say Thank you enough for putting up with me. I know it's not always easy! Just know that I love you beyond words, and I can't imagine a life without you in it. You always say you just want me to be happy, congrats, because you're what makes me happy I love you!

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