Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pharmacy Trash

   You know that saying "The Freaks come out at night" LIES!, that is by far the most misleading thing I have ever heard, it gives you a false sense of safety YOU ARE NOT SAFE DURING DAY LIGHT HOURS!

    So for the last 2 days I've had this douche bag be extremely rude and hateful, Day 1 he came in Twice 2 times, 1st time to ask if we had his scripts ready, even thought another pharmacy was suppose to transfer them to us, we apparently needed to call, and since I had absolutely NO knowledge of this until the second he decided to scream at me about it I'm clearly a moron.  So I gather his info and tell him its going to take awhile since we have to phone the other less then punctual pharmacy. So he tells me he'll be back in a few hours.

  So about OH I'd say all of 20 minutes later Douche Bag shows back up while I'm helping another customer, he leans across the other counter caring on a hollering about how he's left his ID and Food Stamp card and he can't find it, and I say it's here I put it with your paperwork, the pharmacist has it, I'll get for you in a minute, and go back to what I was doing for the lady I had been waiting on while he interrupted,  APPARENTLY my lack of response time, and by response time I mean I didn't move like a crack fiend chasing a score, enraged him, and he begins screaming across the counter that he lost his cards, and I say I told you I'd get them in just a minute, well about this time the lady I am waiting on becomes paranoid cause this guy is right beside her yelling like a fool, and has zero plans of stopping so the pharmacist goes over gets his stuff and calls him to the next window, and the lady gives me this panic stricken look of terror, I apologize to her because apparently manners are now officially non-existent in Marion, and shes says geez you get the crazies in here dont you I respond with you have NO IDEA.

  So the pharmacist call the other less then stellar pharmacy to get psycho dicks scripts, and he decides he's going to wait in the store OH GREAT! So we bust it to get it done, well the pharmacist that inherited the prick was unaware he was transferring because he had a voucher for $25 worth of medicine from a local church and the less then stellar pharmacy (who I'm beginning to believe might be some sort of evil geniuses) don't except them, and we had to re-edit the prescriptions to account for the fact that it had to be The Price is Right Style and be as close to without going over $25. So as we are correcting the issue, Dick Face starts screaming from the lobby is his script done, Mind you there are about 8 other folks in line ahead of him. So I say no, be patient. cause I've had all his BS I'm willing to encounter for the day, So they finally get him to leave. Ugh

  Well today first thing the FIEND is back going I was here yesterday don't you remember--unfortunately I do-- And he's babbling on at the speed of sound how his meds don't work and his friend says it takes a few days to build up in your system and he thinks it should work immediately and whats going to happen, Mind you he doesn't take a breath because this is an addict looking for his fix and he needs it NOWISH!  And I ask for his name and start pulling up his file, well I realize he wants us to give him something stronger, which 1. isn't legal, you have to see the Dr, and 2. Wouldn't happen any ways, Well about this time all of 15-30 seconds later he starts yelling about how I'm not hearing him and I apparently don't understand what he's saying although he has yet to take a breath where I could actually answer him, So he starts saying all of it all over again at the speed of light and I'm waiting on the moment he strokes out, because I would enjoy the silence of it, however he said decides to start yelling over me into the pharmacy instead, So I yell back that he needs to step to the next window and wait on the pharmacist, So i walk over to the pharmacist and inform him that if this fuck stick can't have manners he needs to be asked to leave cause I'm not going to have it, and the douche is already screaming over me at the pharmacist, so he speaks with him not that the guy was actually listening he was just wanting more pill which he didn't get, and he starts to walk away, and starts yelling into the pharmacy, about how "I talk real fast like I'm frim Nah York, but I's not I's from right here in Marion so is my's Momma ans my's grandmas, and my's 17 brothers and sisters, we's all beens borns here in Marion" 1. Not something to be proud of and declare at the top of your lungs, 2. you look stupid, 3. if your mom had 18 kids she should have discovered some birth control, or kept her legs shut So he keeps rambling on like anyone gives a flying shit, and he's like " I's talks likes I's from Nah York" mind you he's half way to the front of the store at this point, and I say "No, you sound like an idiot" He starts hollering about how "I's heard whats you said" I said GOOD!, he says " I could call you that, buttsts I's wont" I said go for it, he says "I should tell your supervisor, then yous gunsta be working at the Salvation Army" I said Good I'm sure I'll be seeing you more that way  and he storms out.

  Later in the day a psycho in the drive thru called a lady, A stupid F&%$ing B, because the customer gave her the wrong last name-like we're mind readers if you don't know you're name how the hell are we suppose too? 

   What the hell happened to manners? If you are polite and pleasant you are far more likely to get what you want in a timely manner. I don't get paid enough to allow trash to speak to me in that way.

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