Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This rant was cause by stupid people...

   Ok I know there are certain things you "aren't" suppose to discuss, like politics, incomes, race and religion, BUT this is my blog and I'll do what the F*&k I want so if you are easily offended Stop reading now or don't but either way you wont change my mind so please don't bother trying...

    I'm not what you would call a "religious" based person, I don't go to church on a regular basis, Hell I don't think I've stepped in a church for an actual service in the last 4-5 years if not longer, I go for funerals, and weddings, and thats because I didn't pick the location of these event's. I don't know that I even necessarily believe in God, or a God or a higher power, I'm more of I'll believe it when I see it kind of girl, its nothing personal against anyone thats just who I am. 

  That being said, I do NOT, disrespect or think less of anyone that believes differently then me, as a matter of fact I'm glad that you have the freedom (thanks to the troops) and the ability to believe in what ever it is you want to believe, and that in doing so you have faith and fell better about life, good for you.

  I don't want to debate the concepts of religion as a whole, what I take issue with is that there is ZERO, consistency even amongst people who believe in the same religion, NO 2 people believe in the exact some thing  which is ok, and while I realize that these teachings are open to personal interpretation, and that you're suppose to find some deep rooted connection with "God" whom ever yours may be. 

 I don't believe that you can't have a meaningful relationship with another human being if you don't have this all powerful belief in the almighty.  But what I find more bothersome then anything is how people will pick and choose what parts of the religion that works for them its not a buffet you're either all in or all out, RIGHT!?!?!

  What I find annoying is how the people who are taught not to judge are the most judgmental people around, You can not say you accept everyone the way God made them then persecute them for their actions, and say they deserved it, because they we're just being themselves. Its ridiculous! 

 And why does this seem to more common, amongst older people, you know the ones that frequent the church every night of the week? You make your religion look stupid when you spout nonsense you know nothing about and contradict yourself, so just can it before you look more ignorant.

  and for the record You can't "Catch THE Gay" geez really?

   Ok on to the next subject, I AM NOT A Racist.  I'm an equal opportunity hater, I love people of any race, color, sexual orientation or creed who are GOOD people, and treat others well, I dislike anyone who doesn't fall into this catagory (PERIOD)  I will make comments on your awful clothes, your awful slang talk, and if you need a shower cause you smell like cat pee, regardless of what color your skin is.  If you come talking to me like a complete jackass I will call you a jackass regardless of where you live-DEAL WITH IT!

  While on this subject WHY OH WHY is there always 1 person who feels the need to cry, Racism, Sexism, or (fill in the blank)-ism over the dumbest f*&king shit, you look like a moron.   The only reason any -ism still exist is because of these people, people who aren't racist do not find these things offensive, its just words or observations, they aren't words filled with hate, therefore that can't be considered an -ism. 

   I'm very opinionated, I like who I am, I'm not a horrible human being at all, but I will continue to say what I want to say, and I will like it! And thanks to the United States Military, for continuing to fight for my right to do so, If I lived anywhere else I'd be dead by now, and I'm not! Keep up the good work.

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