Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Idiots that irritate me...

 Some things Highly irritate me, I have a short temper I'll be the first to admit that tiny things can send me over the edge, past the point of no return and blazing through the black hole of insane in a matter of minutes. Regardless of how hard I try some times I just can't fight the sheer stupidity of others, it's infuriating to me.

  We all know of my hatred for shuffling, mouth breathers, lazy rude assholes this isn't quite the same as that.
 I absolutely loathe Fake people. Say what you mean and act the way you feel. This is a huge pet peeve of mine, it seriously makes me a psycho. 

  I can't stand anything less then when someone says and acts one way in private, then acts a complete bi-polar opposite in public. Well, just cause you put on an act that you're a good human being in places where people will see you doesn't actually create the illusion you're a good person in the eyes of people who really see you.

  I'm a firm believer in when you make mistakes you apologize for them, if you choose not to apologize it means you aren't sorry, and you think you said the correct thing, behaved properly, or honestly meant what you said.  Ignoring the issue and moving on like nothing ever happened and then attempting to go on behaving as if nothing happened makes you look like a fake, condescending hypocrite. And that's not a good look for anyone.... And for the record you can trust that I have never once apologized for something that I believed was right (and attempting to get me to is a futile experience because If I think I might even be 1/2 right-it wont happen), However I have put on my big girl panties and said I'm sorry even when I was completely humiliated by my own behavior and wanted nothing more then to hide my own shame...But I did it cause that's the right thing to do

 Also don't be a complete asshole to the person who is trying to fix a problem someone else created, its irritating to that person they have to fix someone elses mess just like it is that you have to wait for someone else to fix it. Calling them names, cussing, and yelling at them really isn't going to make their desire to correct your problem any stronger it's very counter productive, trust me!

 Also when you have a job for the love of Gawd do it, there is nothing more infuriating then a lazy ass who does nothing all day. spends their time wondering around and leaving extra work for others. Also if you have a job that is way to advanced for your mental capacity QUIT, If you need to carry a drool cup, or wear a helmet at all times, you may want to see employment building bird houses. Other people do not want to do your work for you, they want to do theirs and go the hell home.There's no need to have an idiot on both ends of the phone.

  I think that should just about sum up my rant...for now!

Monday, November 28, 2011


  So this year we decided to have a :friends thanksgiving feast! nothing better then spending a holiday with your most favorite people ever!

  So after I planned and plotted,. it was time to execute!, I cleaned and decorated and rearranged for days. I woke up in Thanksgiving day with just a few minor things to finish up, and I was on it. I was almost 100% done when my beautiful little daughter says the dog has something on her, and I dont really give it to much thought while I'm mid mission. Only to discover that while they were outside together the dog has managed to cover her self in poo while on a leash supervised by my daughter--UGH I already cleaned the bathroom So I give the dog the best bath tub wash I can muster without destroying the bathroom, and I'm back to my mission.

  So I got everything done and together in time, and we all had a wonderful evening!
So thankful for the wonderful people in my life!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

My husband the NOT so hopeless romantic....

   So today the movie Pearl Harbor was on and, Ben Afflick stole a police boat, to drive Kate Beckinsale (sp), over towards a large navy ship and took her up on the pulley system they use to clean the boat. and I turn to my husband and say, "You never stole a police boat to take me on the side of a ship"

   That's when he busts it out. "Its because I love you, haven't you learned whenever someone is romantic in a movie some bad shit happens, and I'm just doing this to protect you from the tragic events"  (His actual explanation was longer but this is the jist of it)

I pause, I said " So you're telling me you're purposely not being romantic because you're trying to protect me from natural disasters, and the perils of life"

  He says "Yes, I do it because I love you"

   SIGH! this is what I have to deal with!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In case you were wondering I love you!

  Sooo there is this guy who pretty much stole my heart. We may not always agree on things, like what to eat for dinner, or that the bath room would look fabulous if it were a beautiful shade of grass green, or that 77 is the perfect temperature (and it is), or that socks and sandals are not ok even to just check the mail in. But I love him, and he loves me. 

  I'm willing to except that I have some pretty stupid ideas of how things should work and trust me I have ideas about EVERYTHING! and even when he thinks they are stupid (which I'm sure is about 95% of the time) he never says "hey thats a dumb idea" unless I'm about to obliterate half of the neighbor hood. 

  He accepts that I'm a insecure, anxiety ridden, neurotic mess at the most idiotic times, and he always reassures me that I don't need to worry, but I do it anyways, and he knew I was going to even before it happened.

  He hates my love of insanely expensive, and highly impractical shoes, but he buys them for me anyways, and makes sure I don't bust my ass when I insist on wearing them to the most unconventional places like the grocery store, or on cobble stone sidewalks.

  He tells me I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, when I look like I just awoke from a night of sleep in the county morgue, in sweat pants, with flock of seagull hair, and raccoon eyes. And while I'm pretty convinced he might be hallucinating, I'm honestly starting to believe he thinks its the truth (I might need to get him a psych evaluation) but its nice to hear.

  I've never been able to pin point the exact moment when I realized my life wouldn't be complete without him, or, when I discovered he is my complete opposite but it works, maybe it was so natural it just seemed normal from the beginning, I don't know that I'll ever really be sure.

   What I do know is that he'll always be there for me, he'd move heaven and earth to be with me and the kids, he's a wonderful father, he's a much better person then he gets credit for being, I'm positive I'm guilty of not telling him enough. 

  So for the Record, in case I forget to tell you as often as I should its here in text, for you when you need it.

  I love you, I think you are easily the most spectacular man I have ever know, you are easily the most unlikely match for me but the perfect match for me, I could never say thank you enough for all the positive things I have in my life because of you, you will never fully get the recognition you deserve because I don't know enough words to express the way I feel for you and the thesaurus didn't have enough words either.

  You are an exceptional Father, the kids will be better people for having experienced your love, wisdom, and smart ass sense of humor. They will one day understand the effort we have put forth to make their lives better, and the sacrifices that have been made for them. And when they do they'll love you even more if thats possible.

 You're tireless efforts to make our lives better, filled with happy memories and wonderful moments, don't go unnoticed, or unappreciated.

  I know I'm kind of a pain in the ass, ok ok a huge pain in the ass the majority of the time, but you love me in spite of it all, and I can never say Thank you enough for putting up with me. I know it's not always easy! Just know that I love you beyond words, and I can't imagine a life without you in it. You always say you just want me to be happy, congrats, because you're what makes me happy I love you!


   I'm having trouble grasping the idea that some girls can not see that that they deserve to be with MEN who treat them right. Regardless of who you are you deserve to be with someone who loves you for the person you are, accepts your flaws and loves even when you a complete neurotic mess. You should NEVER be with someone who makes you feel like shit 24/7 who speaks poorly about you in public, and in front of your children. 

   I have two friends currently in this situation, I can not for the life of me see how they can tolerate it. I may be partial, because they are my friends, but they are both beautiful human beings inside and out, and they have the most despicable awful mates. I want to pop them upside the head and scream WTF are you doing. If only they could see their selves they way their friends and family see them instead of the way, they have started to interpret themselves through the bs they have had projected on them, maybe they would see.

  Having to sit back and watch this knowing I can do nothing to help them is a huge struggle for me, because I'm a very honest person who will tell you exactly what I think sometimes even when I'm not asked, and I want to bash some skulls when I hear the stories they tell it enrages me, I hope it gets better for them, because I want them both to be happy because they deserve it, and I hope they know that!


Monday, November 14, 2011

It's Good to be loved....

This almost never happens, relatively quiet playing together, its so nice to see even if it only happens for a few minutes every GREAT once in awhile <3

 SO this must be why my feet are always numb Hmmm. lol

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This rant was cause by stupid people...

   Ok I know there are certain things you "aren't" suppose to discuss, like politics, incomes, race and religion, BUT this is my blog and I'll do what the F*&k I want so if you are easily offended Stop reading now or don't but either way you wont change my mind so please don't bother trying...

    I'm not what you would call a "religious" based person, I don't go to church on a regular basis, Hell I don't think I've stepped in a church for an actual service in the last 4-5 years if not longer, I go for funerals, and weddings, and thats because I didn't pick the location of these event's. I don't know that I even necessarily believe in God, or a God or a higher power, I'm more of I'll believe it when I see it kind of girl, its nothing personal against anyone thats just who I am. 

  That being said, I do NOT, disrespect or think less of anyone that believes differently then me, as a matter of fact I'm glad that you have the freedom (thanks to the troops) and the ability to believe in what ever it is you want to believe, and that in doing so you have faith and fell better about life, good for you.

  I don't want to debate the concepts of religion as a whole, what I take issue with is that there is ZERO, consistency even amongst people who believe in the same religion, NO 2 people believe in the exact some thing  which is ok, and while I realize that these teachings are open to personal interpretation, and that you're suppose to find some deep rooted connection with "God" whom ever yours may be. 

 I don't believe that you can't have a meaningful relationship with another human being if you don't have this all powerful belief in the almighty.  But what I find more bothersome then anything is how people will pick and choose what parts of the religion that works for them its not a buffet you're either all in or all out, RIGHT!?!?!

  What I find annoying is how the people who are taught not to judge are the most judgmental people around, You can not say you accept everyone the way God made them then persecute them for their actions, and say they deserved it, because they we're just being themselves. Its ridiculous! 

 And why does this seem to more common, amongst older people, you know the ones that frequent the church every night of the week? You make your religion look stupid when you spout nonsense you know nothing about and contradict yourself, so just can it before you look more ignorant.

  and for the record You can't "Catch THE Gay" geez really?

   Ok on to the next subject, I AM NOT A Racist.  I'm an equal opportunity hater, I love people of any race, color, sexual orientation or creed who are GOOD people, and treat others well, I dislike anyone who doesn't fall into this catagory (PERIOD)  I will make comments on your awful clothes, your awful slang talk, and if you need a shower cause you smell like cat pee, regardless of what color your skin is.  If you come talking to me like a complete jackass I will call you a jackass regardless of where you live-DEAL WITH IT!

  While on this subject WHY OH WHY is there always 1 person who feels the need to cry, Racism, Sexism, or (fill in the blank)-ism over the dumbest f*&king shit, you look like a moron.   The only reason any -ism still exist is because of these people, people who aren't racist do not find these things offensive, its just words or observations, they aren't words filled with hate, therefore that can't be considered an -ism. 

   I'm very opinionated, I like who I am, I'm not a horrible human being at all, but I will continue to say what I want to say, and I will like it! And thanks to the United States Military, for continuing to fight for my right to do so, If I lived anywhere else I'd be dead by now, and I'm not! Keep up the good work.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Out of the mouths of Babes...

   Yesterday I was cleaning the kitchen and little miss was getting in the cabinet to get a bowl, to make herself some ravioli, when she notices my new pack of birth control. I hold my breath because an chance she gets to ask anything grown up related she takes it, and this was no exzception.

  She says "OH mommy you got new pills" as shes flipping the bad boy open, She questions, why the last row is a different color, well last year on the bus ride home from school, she heard about the 5th grade movie, and we had to have a discussion about periods, and I ended up being yelled at for bleeding when I gave birth. Yeah thats how these things go. So I'm very carefully trying to choose my words to give her the bare minimum of information with out opening up a whole new conversation I'm not willing to have.

   I explain that the last row of pills is different because that's the set you take when you're on your period, and shes then questions the status of my menstrual cycle. And she pauses and gets the look of disgust on her face and then she speaks, I hold my breath! "So you mean to tell me, I when I get older, I get hormones and a period? WHAT DO BOYS GET?"  and yes she was yelling at this point! I say boys go through puberty. she says "boys have puberty and then they are grown up boys, but I have to have hormones and periods forever?" I say yes, and her response was that of every woman I've ever known. "That makes me want to throw this bowl, thats not fair, and I'm mad, I want to throw stuff"  She says will I have to take pills, when I grow up, I said IDK baby we'll have to wait and see.

   So then she asks why daddy isn't home yet and I say "Well baby daddy got held up at the Shippers, and now he's running behind and will get home after bit"    My lovely little daughter was a apparently half listening cause she responds with "Why is daddy at the strippers anyways" I said "ALY! don't say that that's bad, I said SHIPPERS" she then question what a stripper is FML, by saying "Mommy what is a stripper?" I say you don't need to know baby its not good, she says "But mommy how will I know not to do that or be that when I grow up if I don't know what this is?"  UGH Now I have to tell her, so I put it as politely as I know how without giving her any extra info thats not required, I say " Strippers are people who take all their clothes off for money" She responds with "Ew mom, thats nasty why'd you tell me that"   I can't win for loosing!

  Later on in the day we go to get the kids some new jeans, and look for new winter boots, and we're standing in the show store after getting the jeans out of the way, and I tell the kids to look and see if they like anything. After about 10 minutes of their random roaming around, I ask if they see anything and Aly picks a pair to try on and looks less then impressed, and Jayden's still roaming around, and I help Aly and ask Jayden if he found any boots that he liked and he looks at me and says "I'm suppose to be looking for boots?" REALLY? So I say ok lets just go home, and they are like but we didn't get boots, UGH I tell them we'll go get some somewhere else later instead.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Day in the Life...

  Today started out all right, they told Mike he'll be running a different route next week one that gets him home more frequently still aren't sure if its temporary or permanent guess we'll find that out as we go, Got up and got myself together, and got the house straightened up a little, and had lunch with my friend Amber.

   Then I went to the grocery UGH I hate the grocery store, I had time to wonder around aimlessly but I just wanted OUT. There something about the grocery that gives me angina. Its full of rude people and idiots. I kid you not a lady stood directly in front of the selection of tortilla shells for a good 5 minutes there were two people waiting not so patiently behind her I was one of them, I thought briefly that she had gone catatonic, She had not and I thought seriously lady is a gawd damn Taco shell pick a fucking pack and MOVE! After I stood their getting the other random things I needed off the shelf and shooing the old man away from the spaghetti sauce I needed from across the aisle, I decided I had waited far more then I should have cause I knew what I wanted, and inspite of the fact she was still standing 6 inches from the shelf I reached in front of her don't get me wrong I said excuse me and she smiled Normally I would have waited but if you cant select taco shells from a selection of less then 10 options in under 5 minutes when standing 6 inches from the shelf and haven't the gumption to actually pick up a pack to compare them then "Move Bitch Get out the way" I haven't time for your dilly dallying.

  So I encounter the same random blank starring in the meat department, FML, I don't think I'm going to make it out without a violent outburst, fortunately Frozen goods, and dairy were smooth sailing, and my sanity was slowly starting to creep back in, UNTIL I come upon the gaggle of women who have deiced to block the entire main aisle to awwwwe over a baby, I love a cute kid as much as the next estrogen induced being HOWEVER, I wont stand in the middle of a busy aisle which happens to be right next to where they are assembling the Christmas display and have other random carts EVERYWHERE! Oh holy hell save me for I leave this child an orphan, So I make the detour to avoid a scene, cause my hair isn't in a state in which I would like to have it as my mug shot for the rest of eternity, I need to be immortalized when I look fabulous.

 I made it to a register, and they are all full, except the self checkouts YEAH I don't like people and I like my groceries bagged in order of where things go in the kitchen yeah yeah I know its OCD, but that's how i roll, and yes I do even scan things out that way, Now don't get me wrong I don't expect the self check out lady to come bag my groceries, I have zero problems doing so myself in fact I prefer it, the less people that handle my food the better , it is after all called self check out, this being said I have never once went into a place where if you are the only human being in that area the person wont come bag while you scan 1. because its nice, 2, because you can get out faster, and 3, they are probably bored to tears. this being said today I encountered the LAZIEST self check out cashier ever she literally stood there staring at me, well either help or find something to do because while I am extremely fabulous I don't need an audience to how I bag my poultry its CREEPY! So I manage to scan and bag all of my groceries, by temperature, and package in less then 10 minutes, and I'm hitting the parking lot food in tow, and with no criminal record, which my friends is a weekly struggle for me.

 I get home get my stuff put away, and bam kids are home. Yesterday I asked if they wanted to go to the fall festival at school, BOTH kids said no they just wanted book fair money-DONE! So today Aly is all I want to go to the fall festival, and Jayden wants to discover if the kid who was carrying the last copy of the cheat code book decided not to buy it cause he wanted it (KILL ME NOW) I remind them of how they said they in fact did NOT want to go, and they say well uhm I changed my mind. I'm still unconvinced I'm in the mood for this and Aly goes to play with the neighbor she comes back and wants to go with her to the festival, and her mom said it was ok-ugh!  So Jayden makes her promise to check for the last copy of cheat codes and off she goes, Jayden and I had dinner, and Aly gets back...

   Insert mass chaos, they didn't have cheat codes book, the world has now crumbled at the feet of my 10 year old who is now on the brink of a massive life crisis rivaling that of a holocaust or so his random whining and pouting and attitude is leading me to believe, and the tiny princess is unpacking her random won trinkets from the festival, Like i didn't just clean this place up this morning, Not that you could ever tell at this point with random jackets, book bags, shoes, papers, and who knows what else strewn about the house, I holler at them to put up their laundry and motivate to their rooms cause Its approaching their bed time at warp speed, aka mom's going to go ape shit in 5, 4, 3, 2, ahhhh silence!  Now I'm looking around going what the hell went on in here its like the men in black worms, were throwing a kegger Oh well tomorrow is a new day to get up and do it all over again (minus the grocery store YES)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pharmacy Trash

   You know that saying "The Freaks come out at night" LIES!, that is by far the most misleading thing I have ever heard, it gives you a false sense of safety YOU ARE NOT SAFE DURING DAY LIGHT HOURS!

    So for the last 2 days I've had this douche bag be extremely rude and hateful, Day 1 he came in Twice 2 times, 1st time to ask if we had his scripts ready, even thought another pharmacy was suppose to transfer them to us, we apparently needed to call, and since I had absolutely NO knowledge of this until the second he decided to scream at me about it I'm clearly a moron.  So I gather his info and tell him its going to take awhile since we have to phone the other less then punctual pharmacy. So he tells me he'll be back in a few hours.

  So about OH I'd say all of 20 minutes later Douche Bag shows back up while I'm helping another customer, he leans across the other counter caring on a hollering about how he's left his ID and Food Stamp card and he can't find it, and I say it's here I put it with your paperwork, the pharmacist has it, I'll get for you in a minute, and go back to what I was doing for the lady I had been waiting on while he interrupted,  APPARENTLY my lack of response time, and by response time I mean I didn't move like a crack fiend chasing a score, enraged him, and he begins screaming across the counter that he lost his cards, and I say I told you I'd get them in just a minute, well about this time the lady I am waiting on becomes paranoid cause this guy is right beside her yelling like a fool, and has zero plans of stopping so the pharmacist goes over gets his stuff and calls him to the next window, and the lady gives me this panic stricken look of terror, I apologize to her because apparently manners are now officially non-existent in Marion, and shes says geez you get the crazies in here dont you I respond with you have NO IDEA.

  So the pharmacist call the other less then stellar pharmacy to get psycho dicks scripts, and he decides he's going to wait in the store OH GREAT! So we bust it to get it done, well the pharmacist that inherited the prick was unaware he was transferring because he had a voucher for $25 worth of medicine from a local church and the less then stellar pharmacy (who I'm beginning to believe might be some sort of evil geniuses) don't except them, and we had to re-edit the prescriptions to account for the fact that it had to be The Price is Right Style and be as close to without going over $25. So as we are correcting the issue, Dick Face starts screaming from the lobby is his script done, Mind you there are about 8 other folks in line ahead of him. So I say no, be patient. cause I've had all his BS I'm willing to encounter for the day, So they finally get him to leave. Ugh

  Well today first thing the FIEND is back going I was here yesterday don't you remember--unfortunately I do-- And he's babbling on at the speed of sound how his meds don't work and his friend says it takes a few days to build up in your system and he thinks it should work immediately and whats going to happen, Mind you he doesn't take a breath because this is an addict looking for his fix and he needs it NOWISH!  And I ask for his name and start pulling up his file, well I realize he wants us to give him something stronger, which 1. isn't legal, you have to see the Dr, and 2. Wouldn't happen any ways, Well about this time all of 15-30 seconds later he starts yelling about how I'm not hearing him and I apparently don't understand what he's saying although he has yet to take a breath where I could actually answer him, So he starts saying all of it all over again at the speed of light and I'm waiting on the moment he strokes out, because I would enjoy the silence of it, however he said decides to start yelling over me into the pharmacy instead, So I yell back that he needs to step to the next window and wait on the pharmacist, So i walk over to the pharmacist and inform him that if this fuck stick can't have manners he needs to be asked to leave cause I'm not going to have it, and the douche is already screaming over me at the pharmacist, so he speaks with him not that the guy was actually listening he was just wanting more pill which he didn't get, and he starts to walk away, and starts yelling into the pharmacy, about how "I talk real fast like I'm frim Nah York, but I's not I's from right here in Marion so is my's Momma ans my's grandmas, and my's 17 brothers and sisters, we's all beens borns here in Marion" 1. Not something to be proud of and declare at the top of your lungs, 2. you look stupid, 3. if your mom had 18 kids she should have discovered some birth control, or kept her legs shut So he keeps rambling on like anyone gives a flying shit, and he's like " I's talks likes I's from Nah York" mind you he's half way to the front of the store at this point, and I say "No, you sound like an idiot" He starts hollering about how "I's heard whats you said" I said GOOD!, he says " I could call you that, buttsts I's wont" I said go for it, he says "I should tell your supervisor, then yous gunsta be working at the Salvation Army" I said Good I'm sure I'll be seeing you more that way  and he storms out.

  Later in the day a psycho in the drive thru called a lady, A stupid F&%$ing B, because the customer gave her the wrong last name-like we're mind readers if you don't know you're name how the hell are we suppose too? 

   What the hell happened to manners? If you are polite and pleasant you are far more likely to get what you want in a timely manner. I don't get paid enough to allow trash to speak to me in that way.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1st of the Month!

  Its the 1st day of the month, worst day in a retail pharmacy, every single month. Tensions are high, attitudes are bad, hygiene is always questionable ALWAYS Questionable! 
    There are a few pet peeves I have when dealing with customers:
1. Stench: cigarette smoke, bad breath, body odor of all kinds, and the worst the smell of cat pee (gag)
2. Rudeness and bad attitudes: Listen lets be honest you should always be nice to the people who handle your food and drugs-throwing things (fits included), yelling at me about YOUR insurance, and Cursing at me because I'm attempting to help are not in your best interest I can make you wait as long as I want try me
3. Laziness: PUT ON CLOTHES before you leave your house, don't come out in your pj's, bathrobe, rollers in your hair, and if you can't walk without picking your feet up loose some weight cause I don't want to hear your shuffling its irritating.
4. Mouth Breather: Dear Lawrd that is sincerely the single most irritating sound on EARTH, I can understand if you have a cold and happen to be sick and are struggling to breath ok I get it, it does happen acceptable, HOWEVER if you sound like a stalker on the phone, or are standing in the store sounding like Darth Vader and the entire store is staring at you--its too much.

  All of that being said, the 1st of the month I'm am 100% guaranteed to encounter all of these beautiful little gems of society, and today I have done just that!

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Aftermath

 Trick or Treating went well on my end the kids remembered their manners, they didn't cut through peoples grass, they said Thank you, and were for the most part well behaved, minus the occasional indiscretion cause from the complete lack of insanity a search for candy can cause a young child. 

   They made it home got their showers and off to bed with very little fight, I have to say it went much better then I imagined it ever could have. That being said, I was ever so kindly reminded of how selfish, and childish adults can be, You just want to crack some skulls and say listen you are NOT the center of the universe, it doesn't revolve around you, and while you may very well posses you're very own source of gravity, I am unaffected by this strange force.

  The level of selfishness shown, the lack of understanding, and inconsiderate behavior baffles me. I am completely shocked by the level of stupidity, and am further more convinced that distancing myself from such people can only be in the best interest of myself, and my family, cause my mouth sensor isn't what one would call functioning on all cylinders most of the time.

   So I leave you with this, I'm very proud that my children who are children and somehow entitled to this brief period of time in their lives where they are allowed to act immaturely and maybe even a tab bit selfish, on most occasions don't.   In fact my beautiful little 8 year old has already discovered that sometimes we do things for others we don't necessarily want to do but we need to be considerate.   Today while trick or treating as the kids were all rushing towards the house with a street light on, a little girl about 4-5 fell in front of her the little girls mom rushed to pick her up and Aly stops to ask if she's ok and helps her pick up her spilled candy while all the other kids are ringing the doorbell, I welled up with tears, I was so proud of her. And I realized that we must be doing something right, because my kids are pretty spectacular. I just hope we can instill enough kindness and manners into them now, that the world wont be able to tarnish the kind little creatures they are now.


 Its Halloween, one of the top favorite days a kid has each year, along with the birthday, Christmas, and snow days off from school. So Luigi and Hello Kitty are up at the crack of dawn on a roll this am, and I'm not feeling well AT ALL!  They got on the bus for school and off the went and I'd never been so happy to have a day off and go back to sleep in all my life--it never happens.

 So i wake up and I still don't feel all so hot, when I remember I have to get some stuff done because the bus comes close to 4pm and the trick or treating nonsense starts at 5pm WOO HOO! They'll have homework and need fed before the festivities start. (whom ever decided to set trick or treat hours on a school night is a moron)

  I've never been a real fan of halloween even as a kid, Don't get me wrong I LOVE CANDY! Love it could eat it all day everyday and be perfectly content 24/7 HOWEVER,  I am not nor have I ever been a fan of trick or treating, I stopped around the age of 7 or 8. Its not my thing, it is less then cute shoe appropriate, and I HATE, Despise, Loathe being cold. So you can see why I rule this out as my top favorite pass times.

 But what I dislike most about this trick or treating exercise, is hard to say, I'm less then a fan of the random large group of unattended to children that run through flower beds and over small kids screaming at the top of their lungs out of pure joy, seriously kid its a sucker take a valium.  The Weather in IN is less then perfect for this outdoor activity, its generally less then 50 degrees and raining (so far there is no rain this year we'll see if we make it) and most of the kids are bundled up and you can't even tell what they are. Also isn't stupid to tell kids don't take candy from strangers EXCEPT on Halloween when you run door to door begging for treats--the whole idea is dumb to me.

  Now I'm not opposed to the entire holiday, I don't mind costumes, and I like parties any day of the week. I'm just more inclined to stay indoors when its butt ass cold and you want me to wear something resembling a nighty in public call me crazy but I like to be warm and comfortable and prefer to have some sort of sugary or alcoholic treat in my hand while I do so!

  So the kids get home in T-minus 10 minutes and counting, and I have exactly 1 hour to get them Feed, Dressed, Make up, hair, and mustached Upped and off to their Fun Filled Evening of Candy and Sugar, and some how manage to get their homework done, get them home in time to shower and get settled for bed. What a wonderful time! Good thing I know where we keep the liquor I have a feeling I'm going to be needing it come bed time